Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rest And Sleep Are Prayer

The body knows when it's tired.  It will just stop... shut down. Often times much needed rest can only be gotten if we are sick... I mean really really sick and we are FORCED to sit our asses down and rest.

As I think about rest, I can't help but think of resting as prayer... as a way to glorify God in silence and stillness. Stillness... one of the great ways to hear God speaking.

I am at the place of tired.  I am at the place of physical overwhelm. There is no denying... I AM TIRED...EXHAUSTED.

Resting in stillness is my ultimate prayer every night.  I see this clearly and I am embracing it.

Lord God,
send peaceful sleep
to refresh our tired bodies.
May your help always renew us
and keep us strong in your service.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Into your hands, O Lord, we commend our souls and bodies, beseeching you to keep us this night under your protection and strengthen us for our service on the morrow, for Christ's sake.

1 comment:

Moanerplicity said...

My Sista:

I realize there are all kinds, types & varieties of ‘tired’ from the physical, emotional, spiritual & beyond. However, if you are experiencing a profound PHYSICAL exhaustion for a longer-than-usual duration, I IMPLORE you to see a doctor at once!!! This suggestion is 'lovingly spoken'& comes from deeply personal experience.


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