7 years ago I sat at this computer just before 5:00am and launched my
maiden voyage into the blogsphere.
For the past 7 years I have been pouring my heart out.... sharing my life in raw and unedited ways. I blogged about my pain, my joys, my losses, my gains, my children, my ending marriage, my new relationship, my ending of the new relationship, my bankruptcy, my foreclosure, my federal prison time, my unemployment, my employment, my spiritual growth. I blog everything. It has been healing and extraordinary.
I have blogged my life. 962 posts. 88,458 visits from people around the world from the US, Russia, Germany, France, Brazil, Ukraine, Australia, UK, Sweden, Poland. I've made friends all over the world without ever stepping foot in those countries. I've gotten to know folks who blog with such authority and grace that I remain in awe of their wise words and cautionary tales and utter joy in their lives.
My blog is small and personal, there is no marketing of it, there are no sponsors, there is no money made here ( I am not against making money!). I simply needed a home for my voice. I needed a place that I could readily and easily purge and share.
Thanks to all the folks who have sent me encouraging words that have saved my life time and time again. Thank you to all the folks who read, lurk and cheer me on! Thank you to the blogging friends, you all are some of the best people on the planet.
I don't know how this all will end. I have no immediate plans to do anything more or less with this. I can say that I will continue to blog here...share and purge. This is personal and I do it for personal reasons. Since this blog I have gone off and cultivated other blogs... but this one is my baby. This is all about me and my journey through this amazing life.
So this month, I will share this blogs history and evolution, past posts that I thought were meaningful and illuminating.
Happy Blogversary!