I am a woman for Christmas. I am in love with the story of the birth of Christ... The lone star, the Wise men, no room at the inn and a mother waiting with hope and prayers.
What are you waiting for? What is it that would bring you joy? Are you where you want to be? Who's with you? Who has your back? Name your Squad.
This time of year is more than pregnant with glad tidings. Folks are suffering. Many suffering alone. I know this, I have been this. I have sat alone with goodbye letters addressed and stamped. I have sat with loaded gun and tears. I have sat with pills in a bowl ready to swallow. How do we help ourselves and each other? How do we get to the next day. How do we hold onto a hope that feels like sand slipping through our fingers?
What lessons can Advent tell us? Give us? There is power in waiting and anticipating. What am I giving birth to in my life? Am I using my talents for good? Am I lamenting unnecessarily in my own bullshit? I have in the past. Who am I today? And what do I know now?
These are sweet days of anticipation for me. I am standing in a good place. No, all the challenges I am facing are still very present. What has changed, is my reaction to them. Let the chips fall where they may... I've done all I could do. I am doing what I can to champion myself above the fray of losing in this world. Happiness and joy can and does exist in between the margins of lack, loss and despair.
This season of Advent calls us as Christians to the season of hope and expectation. This delights me, and gives me pause for good things ahead. Not for fairy tale endings... But for fortitude and strength to press on with the belief that God is with us always. And always we are God's beloved.
Let us explore this season of Advent with great expection and hope. Let's see where goodwill and love will take us.