Sunday, October 29, 2017

10 Years Ago... The Return Of Babz

10 years ago today I was released from Danbury Federal Prison Camp. My SisterLo blogged the month for me while I was serving my time. My children, Briana was 10, Gregory was 9, Khalil was 6 and Margeaux was 5 years old. They were so young and brave. I still get teary just remmbering the day I came home and how Margeaux jumped out of the car and ran crying into my arms. She missed me... They all missed me and I truly missed them!

Here is the post my SisterLo wrote in anticpation of my return:

The Return Of Babz

Thank you SisterLo for hgolding down this blog 10 years ago!

All of this is squarely behind me. There will be no more rememberences of this time. No more blog posts, no more marking the anniversary (Okay maybe at the 20 year point). But from here on out, I remain free and happy! Thank you all for coming along on this journey.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Ten Years Ago... Faith Forward Firday (Saturday): Holler If You Hear Me...

This was for yesterday 10/27/17

10 years ago my SisterLo blogged in my stead while I was away serving 30 days at Danbury Federal Prsion Camp.

I found this post quite interesting. My SisterLo never took to church the way I have. So this post is extraordinary.

Here is the link:

Faith Forward Friday (Saturday): Holler If You Hear Me...

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

10 Years Ago... Opportunity Knocked And Broke Down My Door

On this day 10 years ago my SisterLo blogged in my stead while I was away serving time at the Danbury Federal Prison Camp.

I found her posts to be not only personal, but quite insightful and they certainly stand the test of time.

Here is the link to that 10/25/2007 post:

Opportunity Knocked And Broke Down My Door...

Sunday, October 22, 2017

10 Years Ago Today...Rambling Thoughts About... Road Rage?

I remain very grateful that my SisterLo blogged for me while I was away serving 30 day (29 days) at Danbury Federal Prison Camp.

On this day 10 years ago, she blogged what was in her head...

Here's the link:

Rambling Thoughts About... Road Rage?

Monday, October 16, 2017

10 years ago Today... True Love Tuesday: Love Money Can Buy

10 years ago my SisterLo held down this blog while I served time at the Danbury Federal Prison Camp. Today is October 16 and this is what she posted 10 years ago. 

Click on the link:

True Love Tuesday: Love Money Can Buy

Thursday, October 12, 2017

10 Years Ago.... Faith Forward Friday: Ask and Ye Shall Recieve... To a Point

The October 12, 2007 Post by my SisterLo while I was away serving time at Dambury Federal Prison Camp.

Sustatinable weath... Blessings and other opportunities. I so love the way my Sister writes!

Faith Forward Friday: Ask and Ye shall Recieve... To a point. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

10 Years Ago Today...True Love Tuesday: What Do You Want…Today?

My SisterLo blogged all of October in my place while I was serving my time at Danbury Federal Prison Camp. In celebration and rememberence I am posting links to her posts on the very days she blogged!

This is the post 10 years ago today by her:

True Love Tuesday: What Do You Want...Today?

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10 Years ago Today... Sister Lo And True Love Tuesday ( really Thursday)

While I was away serving my time... My Sister Lo held down this blog for 30 days!  Even now I am still surprised and impressed with her commitment to doing it!  I had a recurring theme for Tuesdays... True Love Tuesdays. She kept it up, choosing football! And let me tell you football at her house with her hubby is a real thing! Like don't call their house during football season! For real!

Here's Lo's post:

True Love Tuesday (On a Thursday) Are You Ready For Some Football?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

10 years ago today...

10 years ago today, I surrendered to Danbury Prison Camp to serve a 30 day sentence. My Sister Lo blogged here in my stead. So, I decided to repost all her posts from that time!  She's a very good writer/blogger!

Here is the link:
What the Hell is Snarky?

Happy Fall!

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